i'm totally going!! actually i was going before even it wasn't free 'casue mtac is cool and i cant' wait until AN so this convention will be better now that's it's free, woot!!
like I said in the AN topic.. if anyone wants to do private shoot (warning noob at angles and poses and stuff) but yeah... my pretty/sexy camera does the work haha XD jsut let me know. .. if you all want my cell number just pm or just add me on msn at un-realized@hotmail.com if you want it lol.. XD that's if i know you all all ready which most of you i do haha
XD Dont worry Tashy I was completely kidding! =O I'm grabbing McDonalds for dinner though, I think i'll be skipping lunch >< I just hope the anemicness doesn't kick in during the process ^^;
=) I'm supposed to be heading for lunch with Kayla (+friend) and Alyssa for a yaoi discussion >D <.<;; I don't know what's happening on Sunday, but I'm gonna see about hanging out with Bankai and Kris for lunch and whoever else wants to join. n_n We'll decide from there.
>.<;; Mine kicked in today and stupid shaking ALWAYS travels up my arm!
I want to read your yaoi report to tasytash. Bluetachi I really hope your dad lets you come ;_;. Kazey we so need to ask ji-ji to provide the music for the conga line with his musical packback
lmao Tashytash how was ur teasing? was it fun? XD You can do that more at the con..(if kitteh is reading this XD Sorry l-m-a-o. you got attacked!) but yush o_o fear Jiji and yeah Blazey ^-^ hopefully he'll be able to play his musical jubox ^-^ <3 i'll ask him soon~
xD Hahaha, omg, that's gonna be awesome. I really hope my sister doesn't come. She doesn't really watch much anime and when she does, she seems like she finds it a chore.
But anyways, if she doesn't come, that means I get to have the camera for the two days and not her. I know she won't take nearly as many pictures as I want.
Anyways, YOU WISH, Stephishi, I'll forever be ahead! FWAHAHAHAHA!
not forever tashytash I will be behind for a bit but I will catch up but tomorrow and thursday i will really fall behind and yay taking pics is fun I want a pic of your kiba costume and you must take a pic of your kiki costume for me XD
yes lets get ahead of kazey and if I wasn't doing sakura I would so do a yaoi pic with you tashy put i still demand a dostortion in the space time continum pic with you because I'm doing time jump and your regular XD
Lmao. xD I don't think that would work. It may also mean that Sakura is gay <.< because it seems to me that Kiba likes Hinata *this should be moved to the Naruto thread should we want further discussion xD*
=D I really hope that there's a huge Naruto group at MTAC. <.< More people will be showing up than for DTAC as far as I know.
I am so excited for the naruto phootshoot at m-tac because of all hte time-jump/shippuden characters that will be there XD I think we have most if not all main naruto characters in time-jump/shippuden