I don't have a deviantart account because I can't draw ask kazey she has seen my n00b drawing skillz of doom to but it basically I suck but I can't wait to see everyone elses
>< I've been drawing anime/attempting since i was 10 so lots and lots of practice; but I dont think my style is that great just yet, I wanna get much much better! ^-^
I take wayy too long to colour, so I dont have alot of artworks......but I have a ton in my sketch books^^......
I have been drawing since i started watching dragonballZ......but I cant draw girls...maybe face...btu horrible with body...>.>.........I still need to "try" to do the Anime North thingy......
XD I used to have the issue of drawing girls, but now its the males ._.; urgh,...vicious! here and there i can draw a male body...but my evil deviantart has not been updated lately >> if so i would have wayyyy better things up then what i have now
=P one day maybe I'll be able to draw out of nowhere...like a growth spurt...but a drawing spurt...>.<;; I haven't had a growth spurt ever so I don't think I'll have a drawing one though.