Well I have 2 avatars I coloured.......one is of Axel, ad the other is 'Rhode Kissing Allen'... (both images dimension is set for 'cosplay.com' avatar size 200 by 200)
Axel -kingdom Hearts II
Rhode Kissing Allen - D.Grayman
(since im such a noob at colouring with computer.....[only started half a year ago]....I dont seem to know much in terms of different style....so apparently, I only know how to do what ppl call "soft edge brush" colouring.......thats why they dont look like anime colouring style)
Lifeless wrote: lol ic u read the latest d gray man ch. I laughed when i saw that part XD
Yes lol me too^^, .....the only real reason why I coloured it because Nitasha was all hyper about and was like going crazy....^-^ so I decided to colour it for her
I need to get caught up in the manga XD;; Luckily, I'm on Ch. 76 and there's only 110 out. =D I should be able to get caught up in like a day if I get around to it.
xD Haha, yeah. Everyone that I know that reads DGM was all, "HOLY****" and then they were like, "I want the coloured version toooo!"
xD so a few more people are intent on reading the manga now instead of watching the anime only and I've been able to boast about Tachi's amazing colouring skills.
[son of a bee sting....=_=.....it erased my extra long message >.<]
anyways, heres the shortened verison.....althoguh I don't like yaoi......if you girls (or guys xD) wan me to, you can just give me an image from like a manga (easier that way) and I can colour it for you^^.....if you like^^....I really don't mind....just need some free time...so it'll take awhile to finish^^