Okay im sure alot of you have heard about this game, or atleast tried it at some point^^......if not you can check outthe game at Gunbound.ijji.com...
I had this Idea that maybe we can all gather together online and play together^^......maybe if enough ppl comes we can even play a 4v4 game^^.......in myclub forum nobody joined...>.> so heres hoping for more......and yes, I converted to "Gunbound Revolution"........at the time it looked good, but I regret converting =_=........
Plus this way we can all play a fair fun anime-like game all together with NO HACKS ......phew thats a relief........I only really quite cause all my friend stop playing, and it was impossible to play a decent game because everyone has an aimbot now-a-days =_=.........
Okay for Anyone Interested Here is the sign up?[provide IGN if possible].....(8 slots) -BlueTachi [IGN: StrangeX2D] -Slot 2 [empty] -Slot 3 [empty] -Slot 4 [empty] -Slot 5 [empty] -Slot 6 [empty] -Slot 7 [empty] -Slot 8 [empty] **umm If there is new ppl, I dont mind creating new accounts to play with eachother** (I usually play avatra off anyways)
Anyways for those new to it...on my School Anime Club site, I reviewed it (un-professionally) and kind of showed how the gameplay is......
[quote="CarterNguyen"]Heres a post for all those MMO [massive multiplayer online] lovers.........I decided to review some games for people who are interested in those tihngs. BUT hey If you think you want to Review some games urself, feel free to do so! :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Gunbound - This game in my opinioon is okay, its not the greatest since some people cheat with hacks, but its an awsome game to play with your friends online......... The game play overall is really good, similar to the nintendo's "Worms" games............You basically join servers and games and choose a mobile to shooot with and play with other ppl, and try to shoot them by measuring the power similar in golf and estimating the power need to launch a the attack....... When playing the game you can win gold and use it to purchase "Avatar" clothing to decorate ur little "chibi" character, or you can buy avatar to just get stats and improve ur mobile's abilities.....like health, attack, dig, or just popuarity stats to get more gold.......More gold is awarded if you can pull off a more difficult attack. There is also different mobiles to choose from with different attack styles to make it difficult. ALso there is a wide range of game play styles like Score where your team has an overall life count to share, or Tag where you only have one life, but can rotate between two mobiles, etc....
Screen Shots:
Well my IGN (In game name) is "StrangeX2D".......maybe we can arrange a time to play? Oh yeah my Favourite mobile is J.Frog ^-^
(If you didn't already noticed, I get owned in the screenshots xD....I was more focused on taking good screenshots then playing the game at the time^^)
okay I used to play that game like 2 years ago. but last year during the summer i tried to get it bakc again. everything was fine when i downloaded it but for some reason it kept giving me this error so i didn't bother to play it again =(
=O OH NOEZ!!......>.>...T-T........awww hope you guys can come bak.......this is not looking good X_X.......hopefully all your problems/errors gets fixed up and more ppl can join....was really hoping we could have our own little game......
okay^^........btw are you trying the "ijji" verison (Canada and North America Server), or are you trying it on the International server from Softnyx?.......cause I think I can only play the "ijji" version^^
i have no idea lol xD i'll be downloading it again when i get my OWN monitor back which would be next weekend lol... i'm only using a loaner monitor =( lol
Alright, hopefully more ppl can come...>.> and not just us 3.......I might be able to persuade one of my friend steven to come and play.........
Im quite surprised...i thoguht more ppl plays gb....or maybe its because not alot of ppl signed up for the PMS forum yet........
@Chiken - oh, are you sure you cant play^^.....please try....I remember one my friend had a very old comp and was still able to play...I thhink he had win 98.........but then again that was wayy bak when gb just started.......